Climb like a Pro!

One way we can improve our climbing is by modeling more experienced climbers who do not just climb hard, but climb well. This can be done by climbing with them or just by watching them at the gym or through videos!

So below I have provided some information about the IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing). The IFSC coordinates the international rock climbing world cups each year in Speed, Bouldering, and Lead climbing. These competitions are held throughout the world and have just begun and will continue into the Fall. The competitions can be watched for free, via youtube, where you will be able to watch some of the world's best climbers hard at work! This is a great way to see how the Pros climb, the technique they use, and the perseverance they display!

Usually, the qualification rounds, semi-finals and finals are all available online. I prefer to watch the Semi-finals and the Finals! You can also watch some of the previous World Cup finals by going to their youtube channel at! Also, there will be a bouldering world cup this weekend in China, so stay tuned to their channel! Their calendar of events is available on their website at

Watch this year's first bouldering world cup finals that took place two weeks ago!

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